What Should You Know About Fioricet Medication?

What Should You Know About Fioricet Medication?

Fioricet medication is available by prescription only.  This drug is a combination of caffeine, acetaminophen and butalbital.  It may be sold under the brand names Alagesic, Anolor 300, Dolgic LQ, Dolgic Plus, Esgic, Esgic-Plus, Fioricet, Geone, Margesic, Medigesic, Repan and Zebutal.

You might say that Fioricet medication does the job of three drugs.  The acetaminophen in the drug acts as a fever reducer and pain reliever.  The butalbital is a type of barbiturate drug.  This slows down muscle contractions.  Caffeine, a common drug found in many beverages, is a central nervous system stimulant.  This drug can improve blood flow by causing contractions in blood vessels.  All of these effects come together to help bring on the alleviation of tension headaches.  Fioricet medication is recommended by doctors to treat recurring and severe tension headaches.  This is largely because tension headaches are caused by muscle contractions.

Fioricet medication can be recommended to patients for a variety of reasons other than tension headaches.  It depends upon the judgment of a doctor who will consider the patient’s history.  The doctor must consider any possible reactions or interactions due to a preexisting medical condition, or due to other medications or supplements.

The doctor will explain the important of following the prescription precisely.  The medication has been approved by the FDA and is not considered dangerous unless the rules of prescription are broken.  The doctor will likely tell you that Fioricet medication is best taken when you avoid alcoholic drinks.

A doctor’s prescription usually states that you can take one capsule every four hours.  You can also take your capsule with food or milk if stomach is upset.  An overdose of acetaminophen can cause serious harm. The maximum amount of acetaminophen for adults is 1 gram (1000 mg) per dose and 4 grams (4000 mg) per day. Taking more acetaminophen could cause damage to your liver. One tablet may contain up to 750 mg of acetaminophen. Know the amount of acetaminophen in the specific product you are taking.

Doctors will also advise you to keep track of how much medication you use.  It is best to keep the bottle in a private place where no one else can get to it, especially children.  If by some chance you miss a prescribed dosage, take the pill as soon as possible.  The only exception here is if you wait until the next dosage time, and in which case, you would only take your next dosage.  Combining dosages is not recommended.

For more information on Fioricet, talk to your doctor.